9 mar 2010

Overriding i overloading

Following code fragment is given (Java 5):

1: class Human {
Human getIt() {
return this;
class Worker extends Human {
// insert a single method here

Which of the following methods would compile if inserted at line 8

Human getIt() { return this; }
Worker getIt() { return this; }
Object getIt() { return this; }
int getIt() { return 1; }
int getIt(int x) { return 1; }
Object getIt(int x) { return this; }

Try catch finally

  1. A try block can be followed either by a catch block or a finally block, or both.

    A catch block must always be associated with a try block.

    A finally block can never stand on its own (that is, without being associated with try block).

Haczyki v2

if(20%4){} //zonk bo wynikiem jest int!!

String s = null; /* Nie bedzie NullPointerException!!!!!!!!!*/
String result = s != null && s.equals("test") ? "yes" : "no";

  1. Kwestia || i | w jednym ifie + kwsestia && i & w jednym ifie
  2. Jeśli casy w switchu się powtórzą to! => compilation error!!!!!!!!!